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Captain Sedition Book  5 â€‹




























​Washington's army is decimated by illness and desertion. The King's Dogs are snapping at his heels. A desperate retreat from Manhattan is underway but it looks very much like the end is drawing near.
The bold Declaration of summer means nothing now.
It shouldn't be hard for Wolfe to choose between the salons of Paris with Pru, as part of Doctor Franklin's delegation, or continue to risk his life fighting in the war . Only loyalty and honor make it a difficult choice.
Loyalty and honor . . .​
Bloody hell.

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​Captain Sedition Book 4​​












In an effort to split the colonies, the British set their sights on New York City 

with a commitment to wage all out war.


​In Philadelphia the rebel Congress cobbles together a document to assert independence

from Mother England. What they'll soon discover is that it's one thing to declare independence, another to prove it; but they'll soon have their chance when thirty-thousand Redcoats and Hessians come calling.​

A victim of his success in Montreal, Wolfe is asked to organize a troop of scouts;

just in time for the largest battle of the revolution.



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Captain Sedition Book 1



Captain Sedition

Book 1​


The Death of the Age of Reason



Best Historical Fiction 2021  -  Indies Today

Best Historical Fiction 2022  -  Reader's Favorite Book Awards



" A skillful blend of historical authenticity and dramatic power."

Kirkus Reviews


" Intelligent and thrillingly engrossing ..... a page turner."

The Prairie Book Review


“ ...  A brilliant work of historical fiction ...” 

R. C. Gibson for Indies Today


 "Thoroughly captivating is an understatement for this magnificent story ... 

... Mr. Fusaro has a new fan here and I'm confident many, many more will follow."   

Lex Allen for Reader's Favorite Book Awards



Available as an ebook or paperback on Amazon

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Captain Sedition Book 2;


   The Wages of Glory


     After the battle on the Boston Road, Wolfe is adrift, a stranger in his homeland.

       Pap and Dushay mean to go a-privateering and expect Wolfe to come with. 


        Benjamin Franklin returns to America and expects Wolfe to work for him.

         Pru gets betrothed to another man and expects Wolfe to understand.


Wolfe finds himself on a hill in Charlestown with a handful of rebels -

standing against the might of the British Army.  


It's time for Wolfe to go to war.



Available as an ebook and in print on Amazon.

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              Captain Sedition Book 3 ;












The Fever of Conquest


The rebel invasion of Canada has stalled.
Doctor Franklin wants to know why.
General Washington needs to know why.
They need a man who's judgement they trust to act as their eyes.
A man who said if called upon, he'd serve.

They need Captain Sedition.


Available on Amazon as an ebook or in print

Read for free with Amazon Prime  -  Official site of author  K. C. Fusaro 


 KC Fusaro

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Vision Junkie


 Obsessive archeologist Catana Perez gets more than she bargained for when she hires a new assistant. The beautiful and brainy Lauren Bartero is weirdly subject to psychic connections with inanimate objects.


Lauren's "gift" leads to the dangerous and horrifying truth behind the 1520 disappearance of an Aztec treasure hoard.


Archeology adventure, history and treasure.



Available as an eBook on Amazon. 


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